Latest Addons

Steady Ads Screenshot
This addon lets you display adverts in the top-left area. Choose a seperate color for each advert out of a big color palette. Adverts can even be added through the console as well as deleted.

Steady Ads Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-12-29 21:09:18
Downloads: 3358

Dropped Health Screenshot
This addon drops a healthkit whenever a player dies at the death location. By touching it the healthkit disappears and gives this player a specified amount of health.

Dropped Health Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2013-12-30 19:25:20
Downloads: 12950

Join Spec Screenshot
This addon lets any player join to spectators through one of the chosen chat commands. If specified the spectator will not be able to join back until the specified time has passed. This remaining time can be displayed in different areas.

Join Spec Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-12-23 19:42:28
Downloads: 5406

Info Display Screenshot
This addon displays chosen information about the player in the hudhint area. The items and their order can be specified through a configuration file.

Info Display Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2013-12-27 12:58:24
Downloads: 8181

Auto Downloader Screenshot
This addon makes every file in the "materials", "models", and "sound" folder automatically downloadable. No configuration or adding of files to a list required!

Auto Downloader Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-12-22 19:20:22
Downloads: 3233

Simple Resetscore Screenshot
This addon lets any player reset their score by typing one of the chosen chat commands. Life state doesn't matter.

Simple Resetscore Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-12-22 18:02:46
Downloads: 5403

Auto-Bhop Push Screenshot
This addon lets any player pushing and holding down the jump (space)-key automatically jump as soon as the ground is touched, known as "bunnyhop". In addition, the "use" key can be pressed to add a push to the jump.

Auto-Bhop Push Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2013-12-25 19:28:51
Downloads: 5386

Fixed Ping Screenshot
This addon lets you set a fixed ping for any specified SteamID, as well as BOTs or even all players.

Fixed Ping Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-12-21 21:37:14
Downloads: 3239

Damage Modifier Screenshot
This addon lets you modify the different types of damage, e.g. fall damage, burn damage, ...

Damage Modifier Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2013-12-27 13:38:47
Downloads: 7942

by m@gnet
with new es_zones_db for multiple maps mit neuen es_zones_db für mehrere maps

Anti Gun Rush - Version 1.2 Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2013-12-17 07:37:02
Downloads: 2708

CT Jail Round Restricter Screenshot
by m@gnet
man kann CT nur mit bestimmtn runden spielen CT can only play with certain round

CT Jail Round Restricter Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2013-12-18 15:14:00
Downloads: 4353


[GER] SimpleConnect  Details Version: 0.1
Updated:2013-12-07 10:08:50
Downloads: 5566

Victim Stats Screenshot
A plugin that shows some stats about attackers and victims after player death or after round end

Victim Stats Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2015-05-02 13:37:28
Downloads: 5889

[HuN] Show-Damage - Sebzés-Mutató Screenshot
[HuN] Show-Damage - Sebzés-Mutató

[HuN] Show-Damage - Sebzés-Mutató Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-11-19 14:47:34
Downloads: 2741

[HuN] Reset My Score - Stattnullázó Screenshot
[HuN] Reset My Score

[HuN] Reset My Score - Stattnullázó Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-11-19 09:34:30
Downloads: 2761

[HuN] Magyar OTP Bank Screenshot
Magyar OTP Bank Rendszer, saját fordítás!

[HuN] Magyar OTP Bank Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-11-19 09:04:27
Downloads: 2553

[HUN] Minimal-DeToCS Screenshot
Egy saját DeToCS verzió, sokaknak tetszik.

[HUN] Minimal-DeToCS Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2013-11-18 15:45:34
Downloads: 2608

Gives players military ranks based on their performance in game

RANKS Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-10-09 05:26:31
Downloads: 2999

A Simple Plugin for Counter Player

Player Counter Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-09-28 14:48:30
Downloads: 2502

by foxii34
[DK] Noscope addon af -Carl0

No Scope Details Version: 2.1
Updated:2013-09-10 10:52:48
Downloads: 2541

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