Addons by Tag

by ojii
A highly extensible rank and statistic addon which logs almost everything you can.

eXtended Stats Details Version: 0.2.1
Updated:2008-12-07 04:45:35
Downloads: 16502

Map End Sound & Timeleft Screenshot
by kajla
Map end sound and Timeleft in HLSW :) - Pálya végi hang és hátralévő idő kiíró HLSW-ben! :) - Multilanguage

Map End Sound & Timeleft Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-04-17 14:20:19
Downloads: 6851

by XaM
Allows you to put new radio sounds for the game

Extended Radio Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2008-06-15 07:39:16
Downloads: 7591

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