Addons by Tag

Deathmatch - Includes Auto-Spawn, Guns Menu, RagDoll removal, Dissolver, Spawnpoints and noblock - All customisable via config

SIC-DEATHMATCH Details Version: 4.3
Updated:2010-08-03 08:14:52
Downloads: 86943

by aznone
A bit like SourceForts or Fortwars

BuildWar Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-12-20 23:31:19
Downloads: 5733

VIP Engine Screenshot
Handles VIP/Assassination maps on the fly.

VIP Engine Details Version: 1.93
Updated:2012-10-28 10:51:44
Downloads: 14849

Do you know the Mutant mode of the game Unreal Tournament? This is what this script basicly does.

Mutant mod Details Version: 1.6
Updated:2009-04-08 17:37:48
Downloads: 18115

by jxl180
Based on the stealth game by Ubisoft, CTs are agents of Third Echelon whos mission is to eliminate all the terrorists. This addon comes with a map (DarkArena) made specifically for splinter cell mod!

Splinter Cell Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-12-29 17:07:53
Downloads: 3560

by fault
Everytime a player gets a headshot, they will be rewarded with a random buff. Being either health, armor, ammo, speed, gravity.

HeadBuff Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2009-06-30 15:05:23
Downloads: 8894

by alexy88
This Addon Or Gamemode Allows People To Use Any Gun They Want But They Are 100% Cloaked Except You Can See Their Guns

Mega Cloak Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2008-09-06 16:05:21
Downloads: 5214

BattleRoyale Screenshot
by jxl180
Hello, graduating class of 2010. You have been selected as the lucky class to participate in this year's Battle Royale. At the start of each round you will be given a random weapon. There is only one objective: SURVIVE.

BattleRoyale Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-12-29 16:55:54
Downloads: 5284

Additional game modes such as Target Terrorist and functions to play around with.

JScript Details Version: 0.1
Updated:2009-03-30 06:19:17
Downloads: 2764

Fun Game [1.0] Screenshot
by westham
Basic is. when you shot some one you get bonus go click at ME at read more :D

Fun Game [1.0] Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-02-16 13:46:32
Downloads: 3267

by Ste4lth
Your objective is to lead your commander to safety. Discovering and killing the other team's commander is a bonus.

Lead The Commander Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2010-07-05 22:18:36
Downloads: 6291

Assassination [2014] Screenshot
by Ruuubi
Assassination is an old Counter-Strike gamemode where the main objective is to escort the "VIP" to the escape zone. Terrorists have to prevent this by assassinating the VIP. Works on every map!

Assassination [2014] Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2016-01-25 13:07:10
Downloads: 8569

Double Domination Screenshot
by Ruuubi
Double Domination is an Unreal Tournament game mode where the main objective is to capture 2 points and hold them for a specific amount of time. The mode can be played on every map, features announcers (4 UT announcers included) and custom HUD info.

Double Domination Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2014-10-30 01:20:37
Downloads: 4025

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