Addons by Tag

A Script which will manage all your donations for SourceMod admin automatically.

Sourcemod Admin Donations Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-08-19 12:49:40
Downloads: 4806

Source Trails Version 1.0.4 by Jackmaster Screenshot
An Trail plugin with many settings and many functions

Source Trails Version 1.0.4 by Jackmaster Details Version: 1.0.4
Updated:2012-08-28 12:47:44
Downloads: 23641

smauth is libary that parses and allowed access to SourceMod's admin files. It also ships with an authprovider that you can use if you do not wish to use the API directly.

Sourcemod Auth Provider (Python) Details Version: Lib: V 1.02.002 | Service: V 1.00.002 | ESS: V 1.0
Updated:2013-01-15 12:44:11
Downloads: 20809

More_ES_Commands v1.4.2 Screenshot
by stas
New ES Commands from SourceMod

More_ES_Commands v1.4.2 Details Version: 1.4.2
Updated:2012-06-10 15:33:39
Downloads: 16699

Permet de récupérer les admins de Sourcemod pour les utiliser sur Eventscripts.

[LIB] Get Sourcemod Admins Details Version: v1.01
Updated:2013-05-12 14:46:45
Downloads: 2739

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