Addons by Tag

by bennit
Extensible, Feature rich, Stable advertisement system, allowing configuration. Spams your clients as much as you want it to!

Bennit's Advert System Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2010-06-16 17:44:36
Downloads: 7104

PublicNotes [EPN] Screenshot
by .eMko*
This is simple and customizable script for advertisements in chat on start of each round.

PublicNotes [EPN] Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-06-08 21:27:08
Downloads: 3079

Server Advertisements fetched from a MySQL datebase. Includes Translation feature! (Script is intended for advanced users)

MySQL Advertisements Details Version: 1.02.000
Updated:2010-10-21 17:51:39
Downloads: 10295

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