Addons by Tag

Allows players to easily bunnyhop! Requires only EventScripts v2.1.1.338+ and Source Python Extensions v1.5.0f r83+!

Easy Bunny Hopping Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2011-03-14 11:14:24
Downloads: 18099

FireBalls (OrangeBox) Screenshot
Permet aux joueurs de lancer des balles de feu explosives!

FireBalls (OrangeBox) Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2010-07-01 05:24:37
Downloads: 5337

by DoCky
Allow you to know what a player is aiming

PlayerViewLib Details Version: 2.110p
Updated:2011-07-14 12:48:19
Downloads: 4792

Daggers (OrangeBox) Screenshot
Allows all players to throw their knives to kill their enemies!

Daggers (OrangeBox) Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2010-07-15 03:52:44
Downloads: 8856

Anti_Camp v1.0 b [24/7/11] Screenshot
by roof
You are annoyed about f***ing Campers? Now it's over with that. The Anti_Camp addon for Orangebox is now aviable.

Anti_Camp v1.0 b [24/7/11] Details Version: 1.0 b
Updated:2011-12-05 13:35:02
Downloads: 12150

ConandDis - Connect and Disconnect Messages Screenshot
by Buko
This will show a message of who connects and disconnects from the server

ConandDis - Connect and Disconnect Messages Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2011-03-27 06:14:55
Downloads: 3399

Sticky Nades (Orange Box) Screenshot
Allows you to stick grenades to walls and players!

Sticky Nades (Orange Box) Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2011-01-22 10:45:06
Downloads: 11286

finished with campers for ever(ORANGEBOX) Screenshot
are you just tired off campers or afks? then this mod is something for you

finished with campers for ever(ORANGEBOX) Details Version: 1.9
Updated:2010-08-13 09:09:47
Downloads: 3557

Extra Noblock for OB By Snake Screenshot
by Snake12
Noblock for CSS OB

Extra Noblock for OB By Snake Details Version: 1.4
Updated:2010-09-08 06:24:08
Downloads: 6495

MC-Unscop Screenshot
Se script est fait pour les map unscop

MC-Unscop Details Version: v 1.2
Updated:2010-11-02 09:01:07
Downloads: 8523

by Hisoka
Another version of SFvotemute, A vote to mute any1.

SFvotemute Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2010-12-14 12:53:31
Downloads: 4549

by Hisoka
Wants everyone to play without scope? Simple download it

SFnoscope Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2010-12-20 21:24:19
Downloads: 6470

by Hisoka
Has a away player in server? Simple, type !votespc.

SFvotespc Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-12-15 18:19:43
Downloads: 2845

by Hisoka
A junction of several functions to vote. among them are: votemute, votekick, voteban, votespc, votealltalkon and votealltalkoff.

SFvotes Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2010-12-22 23:39:32
Downloads: 4863

JumpBooster/BHopBooster - [UPDATED 2011/27/03!] Screenshot
by Buko
This make's you jump longer or also called "it is boosting the jumping"

JumpBooster/BHopBooster - [UPDATED 2011/27/03!] Details Version: 2.5
Updated:2011-03-27 15:14:29
Downloads: 3275

by mrL
mrL_cash Addon

mrL_cash Details Version: v1.0
Updated:2011-05-11 13:48:52
Downloads: 2715

by mrL
mrL_Medikit Addon

mrL_Medikit Details Version: v1.0
Updated:2011-05-16 11:12:33
Downloads: 2819

by DoCky
Allow you to execute a server command. Can execute a ESP function when command has been passed

InsertCmdLib Details Version: 1.101p
Updated:2012-01-15 14:09:54
Downloads: 4413

by DoCky
Handling of hud zones

HudLib Details Version: 1.201p
Updated:2013-09-24 06:35:51
Downloads: 10953

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