Addons by Tag

by Adam
Modules and sub-packages that collectively represent a generic set of tools to simplify / wrap and extend eventscripts functionality, in a pythonic fashion, adhering to the SOLID principles.

esutils Details Version: 1.4 ALPHA
Updated:2011-04-24 20:35:50
Downloads: 16338

ConandDis - Connect and Disconnect Messages Screenshot
by Buko
This will show a message of who connects and disconnects from the server

ConandDis - Connect and Disconnect Messages Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2011-03-27 06:14:55
Downloads: 3399

Regras Menu BR

Regras BR Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2012-03-26 14:46:16
Downloads: 2690

Vip Mod

Vip Mod - By Ryu Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2012-03-27 09:41:44
Downloads: 3131

by kazzo12
Denne addon gør at du kan skrive !regler inde på din server og en menu med regler vil pop-up.

Regler Details Version: v1.0
Updated:2013-04-08 16:44:34
Downloads: 4200

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