Addons by Tag

Custom Votes v2.0.2[16/07/2011] Screenshot
by roof
You have now !votekick, votekick, !votemap, voteban, !voteban, voteban, !votemute, votemute, rtv, rockthevote, nominate functions in one addon!

Custom Votes v2.0.2[16/07/2011] Details Version: 2.0.2
Updated:2012-05-06 09:31:21
Downloads: 35075

by roof
hen there is number on players on server there will be a knifebattle, (1vs1,2vs2,3vs3,..)

 RoOF's Knifefight v.2.0.4 (? vs ?) Details Version: 2.0.4
Updated:2012-05-07 11:45:20
Downloads: 41356

ro_BhopManager v1.0c [ESP] - Screenshot
by roof
You can use Bhop commands driektly from a menu or from Chat

ro_BhopManager v1.0c [ESP] - Details Version: 1.0 c
Updated:2011-08-27 10:00:41
Downloads: 8851

ro_CashExchanger [ESP] - Screenshot
by roof
You can Exchange your Hp's(live) for more Money

ro_CashExchanger [ESP] - Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2011-01-05 11:36:06
Downloads: 6399

ro_HealthExchanger [ESP] - Screenshot
by roof
Its a little addon which allows you to Exchange your money ($) for more HP. You will open the menu with "!health" into the Chat.

ro_HealthExchanger [ESP] - Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2011-01-07 20:25:33
Downloads: 2759

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