Addons by Tag

Est Admin Menu

est_admin Details Version: 2.4
Updated:2010-06-16 07:46:14
Downloads: 29374

SRCDS tools Screenshot
Python package for advanced SRCDS stuff for EventScripts 2.0

SRCDS tools Details Version: dev20110416
Updated:2011-04-16 09:30:07
Downloads: 19886

by stabby
Extension for ZombieMod 2.0, provides new gameplay features, admin functionality and anti noob mods.

zm_tools3 Details Version: 3.6a
Updated:2010-02-25 12:20:39
Downloads: 46820

Provides a client command to swap between the knife and last active weapon. Requires only ES

KnifeSwap Details Version: 3
Updated:2009-06-28 20:59:50
Downloads: 7085

ESS Objects Screenshot
by Jeff91
Used to make ESS a bit more like python for Classic scripters, Allows for passing arguments into blocks.

ESS Objects Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-11-06 18:35:20
Downloads: 5371

by Jeff91
Converts WCS 0.7x keygroup saves into levels

WCS Keyconvertor Details Version: 0.9.0
Updated:2008-04-22 00:44:43
Downloads: 10305

by Jeff91
Creates some useful tools for scripter for the 3rd party PVKII Source Conversion Mod.

PVKII Tools Details Version: 0.3.1
Updated:2008-05-13 14:11:33
Downloads: 5074

Mani Mimick with Gun Game Control

admin Details Version: 2
Updated:2007-12-31 19:23:58
Downloads: 11073

ExamineIt Screenshot
by 7355608
Entity Examination Tool

ExamineIt Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2008-01-15 06:42:06
Downloads: 2901

by Adam
Modules and sub-packages that collectively represent a generic set of tools to simplify / wrap and extend eventscripts functionality, in a pythonic fashion, adhering to the SOLID principles.

esutils Details Version: 1.4 ALPHA
Updated:2011-04-24 20:35:50
Downloads: 16338

Lets admins to locate entities by classname by showing lasers to their locations

Entity Finder Details Version: 1.1a
Updated:2008-06-13 03:19:39
Downloads: 6749

GEARS Dev Tools Screenshot
GEARS is a set of development tools to aid in creating CSS scripts. Version 1 includes a profiler, with more features to come.

GEARS Dev Tools Details Version: 1.01
Updated:2008-12-26 20:41:27
Downloads: 5086

Spawn Protect, Respawn, NoBlock, End Round (Configurable)

EzProtect Details Version: 2.2
Updated:2009-09-06 16:39:27
Downloads: 11327

by Th!Lo
Very Basic Ranking Tool

iRank Details Version: 08.02.2009
Updated:2009-02-09 16:59:11
Downloads: 3894

A tool that allow you to burn, kill, freeze, noclip, players and more from console as well as chat. Also contains a module for scripting purposes.

UltiTool Details Version: 0.2 Beta
Updated:2010-01-12 10:54:24
Downloads: 5217

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