Addons by Tag

smauth is libary that parses and allowed access to SourceMod's admin files. It also ships with an authprovider that you can use if you do not wish to use the API directly.

Sourcemod Auth Provider (Python) Details Version: Lib: V 1.02.002 | Service: V 1.00.002 | ESS: V 1.0
Updated:2013-01-15 12:44:11
Downloads: 20809

[DeathRun] Version 2.5 [HL2:DM] Screenshot
by isivisi
Play deathrun on HL2DM! Combine control traps and rebels must dodge them. Built in no-block, Rounds, Score counter, Combine auto chooser and combine limiter!

[DeathRun] Version 2.5 [HL2:DM] Details Version: 2.5_1024
Updated:2012-04-03 19:00:40
Downloads: 143040

add randomize messages in your hostname

Pirat_hostname_advert Details Version: v07-10-29
Updated:2007-10-29 15:23:20
Downloads: 2949

VSwear  V2.1 Updated 10/25/06 Screenshot
by Venjax
Kiss that profanity Goodbye!

VSwear  V2.1 Updated 10/25/06 Details Version: V2.1
Updated:2007-07-13 14:40:44
Downloads: 3072

You can save and restore your positions

Save Position Details Version: 2.0.0
Updated:2009-01-02 07:16:25
Downloads: 5530

Dead players are dropping explosive bombs

Dead Bomb Details Version: 2.0.1
Updated:2009-04-08 11:17:32
Downloads: 7198

by Saul
An INI file parser, writer and editter.

INIClass Details Version: Revision 1 (Developer Preview)
Updated:2007-10-30 17:07:48
Downloads: 3151

Guess The Song! Screenshot
by ojii
Guess the song! A song is played on the server and players can guess the song to get points

Guess The Song! Details Version: 2.0.0
Updated:2008-01-18 20:49:52
Downloads: 8826

The Advanced version of DO Respawn allows for complete control of player respawning, boasting a suite of features specific to player respawning. With 10 respawn types to choose from, you won't miss out on the respawn option want want!

DO Respawn Advanced Details Version: v1.3 Advanced
Updated:2008-05-03 07:22:36
Downloads: 12953

by ojii
Logs every message sent to chat and stores it in a sqlite database

Chatlog Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2008-08-08 14:10:18
Downloads: 7398

by Eun
Downloads whole directorys to the client simply

paxDownload Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2008-12-30 06:10:24
Downloads: 7199

by Undead
Restricts 'kill' command and allows admin to slay

ZM Slay Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2009-01-06 21:54:16
Downloads: 7048

Anti-Swear Mod Screenshot
Filters ALL chat messages for inapropriate word that you specify and replaces them with friendly words you specify.

Anti-Swear Mod Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2009-03-24 20:36:06
Downloads: 5702

by DanielB
Convert SteamIDs TO COmmunity URLs and vice-versa ingame!

Steamiser Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-06-28 03:03:02
Downloads: 3186

Helpmenu Screenshot
by suschi
Popupmenu which shows commands

Helpmenu Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2009-10-15 05:52:14
Downloads: 5713

by murpher
when you server is going to switch level it plays a cool game over sound when the scorebord is turned on when the time limit is done +timeleft ...

*Play sound when server is going to change level Details Posted: 2006-05-26 19:02:23

Allows everyone to see the rates of other players

Show Rates Details Version: 2.0.0
Updated:2009-01-02 12:02:55
Downloads: 6511

Provides an easy to use menu for admins to change the map.

Map list Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2007-12-05 10:12:00
Downloads: 5414

by ojii
Protects a list of clantags from being used by non-clanmembers

Ojii Clantag Protector Details Version: 1.1.0
Updated:2008-01-24 11:18:26
Downloads: 5265

Helper for script developers, shows all client commands on server console

Client Command Filter Details Version: 0
Updated:2008-02-04 14:19:28
Downloads: 2885

click me