Addons by Tag

AssistedKills Screenshot
Fires a custom event when a player kills an opponent but did not cause the most damage to that opponent. Also fires when a player kills a blinded opponent but did not throw the flashbang. Requires only ES 2.0+

AssistedKills Details Version: 4
Updated:2008-04-19 03:27:50
Downloads: 15225

SplashDamage Screenshot
Distributes part of the damage each player takes to surrounding players. Requires only ES 2.0+

SplashDamage Details Version: 3
Updated:2007-10-23 03:19:23
Downloads: 7932

Victim Stats Screenshot
Victim Stats

Victim Stats Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2008-07-08 05:10:55
Downloads: 27239

Allows you to easily modify the power and radius of hegrenades.

NadeMod Details Version: v1.0
Updated:2007-11-02 20:35:49
Downloads: 4792

by Rio
Gives weapons a chance to do a critical hit on the enemy

Critical Shot Details Version: 0.3
Updated:2008-01-26 07:12:40
Downloads: 11506

Smooth health and armor depletion.

SmoothDamage Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-03-09 10:01:03
Downloads: 3850

hit stat [FR/EN/DE/JA/...] Screenshot
by DoCky
statistic damage menu - multi-langue

hit stat [FR/EN/DE/JA/...] Details Version: 1.212p
Updated:2009-06-16 09:37:48
Downloads: 12573

by Guldort
Script qui fait un effet sur chaque partie du corps et ajoute du réalisme !

Hurting Details Version: v1.0
Updated:2009-07-06 14:14:48
Downloads: 4769

A plugin that shows a hitmarker when hitting/flashing an enemy + damage display

Hitmarker Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2012-07-11 05:54:55
Downloads: 11831

DamageDisplay Screenshot
Shows the damage done to the enemy.

DamageDisplay Details Version: 1.1.1
Updated:2010-01-09 04:48:43
Downloads: 12220

by .:MiB:.
A nice and simple show damage scipt.

Simple Damage by MiB Details Version: 1.0.1
Updated:2010-10-25 01:52:53
Downloads: 5110

by Profeta
Increases human's knife damage.

Knife Zombie Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2008-12-16 09:39:12
Downloads: 3751

Most Destructive Screenshot
Shows the player with the most kills and damage at round end

Most Destructive Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-03-13 16:25:43
Downloads: 3340

ShowDamage Screenshot
Script affichant les dommages infligées a l'adversaire

ShowDamage Details Version: V 1.0.2
Updated:2010-12-22 04:33:33
Downloads: 9033

by 7355608
Complete point_hurt wrapper!

Damage Library Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2008-01-20 11:21:16
Downloads: 5169

Provides TF2-style critical hits. Requires only ES 2.1+

CritHits Details Version: 1
Updated:2010-11-11 22:40:13
Downloads: 4643

Damage Modifier Screenshot
This addon lets you modify the different types of damage, e.g. fall damage, burn damage, ...

Damage Modifier Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2013-12-27 13:38:47
Downloads: 7942

Info tool

HurtScript Details Version: v1.1
Updated:2007-08-16 13:28:51
Downloads: 4560

by mehrdad
A script that allows you to see how much attack received and how much hp left!

SS_Damage Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2007-09-12 18:34:51
Downloads: 7755

by L1gh7
Zeigt wo man einen getroffen hat

Hitbox anzeige Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-08-09 09:35:29
Downloads: 2894

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