Addons by Tag

Most Active Screenshot
Counts the playing time of a player on the server

Most Active Details Version: 4.0.2
Updated:2009-01-02 15:10:26
Downloads: 12588

Anticamp Screenshot
by Blade

Anticamp Details Version: 1.4.53
Updated:2007-08-25 07:25:44
Downloads: 26550

Plays beeps for players based on the distance of opponents. Requires only ES 2.0+

SourceRadar Details Version: 4
Updated:2008-04-19 02:32:56
Downloads: 8034

Player reporting system

WatchList v1.0 Details Posted: 2007-03-11 22:08:03

by Jeff91
Allows each user to store their name on the server so only they can use it.

Register Player Name Details Version: 0.5.4
Updated:2009-09-29 19:23:13
Downloads: 22021

Tracks the time you need for a surf map

Surf Tracker Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2007-07-12 10:27:18
Downloads: 6832

TeamFog Screenshot
Renders colored fog that changes based on the location of teams. Requires only ES 2.0+

TeamFog Details Version: 4
Updated:2007-10-24 09:50:49
Downloads: 6066

Distance Checker Screenshot
Allows people to get the distance and angle stats on the closest enemy to them

Distance Checker Details Version: 1.0.0
Updated:2008-03-23 14:22:25
Downloads: 4079

Counts the rounds and/or kills of players and assigns VIP players

Vip Mod Details Version: 2.0.0
Updated:2009-01-02 14:57:00
Downloads: 10135

by ichthys
Automatically slays bots to end the round if there are not alive human players

Ich BotAutoSlay Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2007-08-16 00:18:03
Downloads: 3703

by ajax
When a player is the last one left on a team, he/she sees a message and privately hears the "one and only" sound.

One and Only Script Pack Details Posted: 2005-07-16 12:30:43

give info on stored players

Ace Info *Updated September 27 2006* Details Posted: 2006-06-16 10:39:11

This script will track how long admins in your clan are on a server during a week's time.

AdminTracker Details Version: 1.0.2
Updated:2008-06-25 08:13:40
Downloads: 5028

counts how many times player (or admin) uses a certain command

Ace Command Count Details Posted: 2006-09-22 21:46:55

displays a list of all admins on server when player types

Ace Adminlist Details Posted: 2006-09-27 12:06:04

by jozzy
Keeps track of team sizes - Announcement when only one player on each team remains. Announces how many BOTs and humans are opposing you!

JS Team-Manager Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2007-07-21 11:25:10
Downloads: 2876

Allows admin to define custom placenames in a map by defining the corners of the cube where the placename should be. After defining placenames for a map, you can determine where a user is located by calling pn_getplacename from another script

Custom Placenames Details Version: 1.1.0
Updated:2008-06-15 01:52:33
Downloads: 8394

by ajax

LastManStanding Script Pack Details Posted: 2005-06-20 03:07:46

by Chun
Last updated 19.08.06

Name Memory - v.1.12 - by Chun Details Posted: 2006-06-08 16:08:50

AddOn that gives your server some extra features.

LST - Largo's Server Tool Details Posted: 2006-08-02 01:01:47

click me