Addons by Tag

AddMap allows you to easily download maps from the net onto your server, in-game.

AddMap Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-11-21 21:04:53
Downloads: 9385

Ratemap allows you to rate your favourite maps.

RateMap Details Version: 2.0R3
Updated:2008-07-02 16:31:12
Downloads: 42406

Group all your Votes together

Votemap Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-04-13 03:59:23
Downloads: 24588

LooneyMapVote Screenshot
Extensive Map/Mod Voting Script

LooneyMapVote Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-11-30 20:03:34
Downloads: 4309

by Jeff91
Allows the server owner have have different scripts for different map types.

J3ff's Scripts Manager Details Version: 2.0 Python and .txt
Updated:2008-01-10 13:23:49
Downloads: 15883

maps Screenshot
by bonbon
Lets people see every map on the server without having to edit any file! admins can also change maps via same menu

maps Details Version: 2.3
Updated:2008-11-30 22:54:29
Downloads: 17395

Mapconfigs Screenshot
With this script you can execute different cfg files for different maptypes.

Mapconfigs Details Version: 1.0.1
Updated:2010-01-05 08:52:41
Downloads: 6382

Auto Map!, Change at custom times the Map Screenshot
by uedi
Auto Map change the Map at custom times, you specified

Auto Map!, Change at custom times the Map Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-10-21 14:00:55
Downloads: 3773

Map End Sound & Timeleft Screenshot
by kajla
Map end sound and Timeleft in HLSW :) - Pálya végi hang és hátralévő idő kiíró HLSW-ben! :) - Multilanguage

Map End Sound & Timeleft Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-04-17 14:20:19
Downloads: 6851

CheeTaHs Map Adverts Screenshot
Allows you to create adverts/decals in maps. Just like Mani Admin does it. Well, not sure how it does it. But the idea is the same!

CheeTaHs Map Adverts Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2011-04-04 14:27:24
Downloads: 5759

Mapload Screenshot
Allows you a flexible configuration for per-map-scripts and per-map-configs

Mapload Details Version: 3.0
Updated:2010-01-05 21:39:26
Downloads: 15806

MapListAdder, Edit your Maplists easly ingame, by Popoklopsi Screenshot
by uedi
Edit your Maplist.txt, Mapcycle.txt and Votemaplist.txt Easly Ingame!! With the Map list Adder you can add/delete specified Map prefixes, All maps or only a Single Map. You can also set only ONE Map Prefix, e.g. only de_ maps. See Picture!

MapListAdder, Edit your Maplists easly ingame, by Popoklopsi Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-11-18 16:49:41
Downloads: 3358

Provides an easy to use menu for admins to change the map.

Map list Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2007-12-05 10:12:00
Downloads: 5414

by kobo1d
Keeps the Server-Mapcycle alive if the Map has run out of time. Continuously instead of waiting for someone to connect and join. Maybe an alternative to AutoMap !

Keep the Cycle [1.5] Details Version: v0.3
Updated:2008-10-13 13:54:47
Downloads: 6443

by jxl180
Based on the stealth game by Ubisoft, CTs are agents of Third Echelon whos mission is to eliminate all the terrorists. This addon comes with a map (DarkArena) made specifically for splinter cell mod!

Splinter Cell Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-12-29 17:07:53
Downloads: 3560

This plugin shows the size of the map in the hostname

Mapsize Hostname Details Version: 0.1
Updated:2011-07-03 08:00:40
Downloads: 4438

by micmacx
Script permettant de faire une config rien que pour les maps oranges (ou autres selon les noms que vous mettez) et une autre config pour les maps de snipe snipe.

Cfg_Orange Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-03-14 15:29:01
Downloads: 2946

by SkYl!n3
Ce script permet d'effectuer un cycle de motd !

MotdCycle Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2008-07-18 13:24:00
Downloads: 11326

by Chunky
Allow tou to manage delayed commands like with gamethread lib, but delays can now stop at the rounds or maps ends.

roundthread library Details Version: 1
Updated:2007-11-02 11:20:23
Downloads: 2896

es_AddMap allows you to easily download maps from the net onto your server.

es_AddMap Details Version: 0.4aBETA
Updated:2008-03-26 09:02:05
Downloads: 15940

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