Addons by Tag

by DanielB
Warmod manages wars, scrims and pugs. Keeps track of score, swaps teams, auto lo3, etc

Master's Warmod Details Version: 3.5.1
Updated:2009-06-15 07:52:39
Downloads: 54970

by stabby
Extension for ZombieMod 2.0, provides new gameplay features, admin functionality and anti noob mods.

zm_tools3 Details Version: 3.6a
Updated:2010-02-25 12:20:39
Downloads: 46820

SimpleRanks Screenshot
by 3R10N
Keeps kills and deaths

SimpleRanks Details Version: 2.2
Updated:2009-06-15 00:33:41
Downloads: 24894

SoScore Screenshot
by forlix
For soccer maps. Credits players with message and score points for scoring goals.

SoScore Details Version: 0.9 Beta
Updated:2009-01-10 20:51:32
Downloads: 8189

SimpleDeathMatch Screenshot
by 3R10N
A very nice DeathMatch Script full of hours of Butt Munching Fun :)

SimpleDeathMatch Details Version: 1.1a
Updated:2008-02-19 18:55:57
Downloads: 9479

EveryHealth Screenshot
Shows Everybody's Health as their Deaths on the Scoreboard (Now Shows Deaths when Dead Too!)

EveryHealth Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2008-04-09 19:33:53
Downloads: 5247

KillCalc Screenshot
KillCalc counts kills, deaths, connects, bomb plants, bomb explodes, bomb defuses, hostage rescues while playing, then players can see the score by typing !KillCalcScore, or see info about the script by typing !KillCalc

KillCalc Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-01-03 05:11:51
Downloads: 3133

LnD Stats Screenshot
by LnD
LnD Stats casts all things about Player you want!

LnD Stats Details Version: v1.8
Updated:2011-07-17 09:25:34
Downloads: 4935

sr_ColorizedKills Screenshot
by 3R10N
A script that will change your color depending upon your amount of Kills

sr_ColorizedKills Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-09-16 20:04:00
Downloads: 5650

Bomb Score Modifier Screenshot
Allows you to change the score that player gets for exploding/defusing the bomb

Bomb Score Modifier Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2011-03-10 12:01:38
Downloads: 8515

Allows Players To Reset Their Score and Rank

Reset Rank+Score Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-07-21 08:26:41
Downloads: 7521

Score By Gabeee Screenshot

Score By Gabeee Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2009-08-18 04:19:23
Downloads: 4678

Fordítást készítette magyar-oneill!

Reset My Score - Hungarian version Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2012-04-04 07:59:39
Downloads: 3552

Simple Resetscore Screenshot
This addon lets any player reset their score by typing one of the chosen chat commands. Life state doesn't matter.

Simple Resetscore Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2013-12-22 18:02:46
Downloads: 5403

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