Addons by Tag

by bonbon
An addon to punish mis-behaviours, by your favourite way ABUSE! 35 Current options! (Also a plain admin abuse menu)

SuperMods Details Version: 4.9
Updated:2008-10-13 00:01:33
Downloads: 54281

Anti Flash Screenshot
by bonbon
Announce team flashes + record to flashes.txt if admin on server, popup menu avialable to punish

Anti Flash Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2009-04-02 23:15:35
Downloads: 11785

TK Punish Screenshot
Led by: TheCheeTaH
Collaborators: Hansi
Allows you to punish someone if they teamkill you.

TK Punish Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-06-27 17:59:43
Downloads: 3965

Script redirecting noobs to shock sites/rickroll.

Punish Noobs (MOTD) Details Version: 1
Updated:2010-02-09 10:09:01
Downloads: 2917

TK Punish (RUS) Screenshot
Led by: TopLoader
Collaborators: TheCheeTaH Hansi
Аддон позволяет наказывать «тим-киллеров». Если Вас убили, Вы можете наказать того, кто это сделал. На выбор доступно 8 опций (включая «Прощение»).

TK Punish (RUS) Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-08-26 06:43:15
Downloads: 2937

Based on the kill /death rate players are handicapped more and more.

handicap3 Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2011-03-18 05:30:31
Downloads: 4595

SprayTracker v.1.0.1 [28/05/12] Screenshot
by roof
This is a simple addon which shows all Players the name of the Sprayer.

SprayTracker v.1.0.1 [28/05/12] Details Version: 1.0.1
Updated:2012-05-30 14:45:50
Downloads: 6535

This mod will make sure there is no TKing or TeamHurting in your server.

Team Kill/Hurt Punisher Details Version: 1.0.0
Updated:2013-03-17 11:08:31
Downloads: 2596

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