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Regeneration Mod 1.1 ScreenShot

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Regeneration Mod 1.1 - Version 1.1

posted on 2010-02-10 16:35:39
by Totyahun



To use this feature,you need to have 8000 cash,and less than 50 HP. Type: !regenmod and you get 5 hp/2 sec. and 8000 cash lose(50 hp max you get) +when you type,you can hear a sound from TF2(resuply) (Sry for my bad english) _____________________________________________________________________________________ i think it's not the best of my works,but i'm proud of myself,because this is my [b]first script[/b] :D _____________________________________________________________________________________ [b]If you like it,+W00T! :) ThX[/b] _____________________________________________________________________________________ IF YOU WANT TO REPORT ANY BUG,JUST POST AN EMAIL TO ME: [email protected]


es_load regenmod

Version Notes For 1.1

Updated on: 2010-03-20 05:28:45 EST by Totyahun (View Zip Contents)
-Fixed-->the sound file not downloading correctly

( Previous Versions )