Approved Addons

Simple Dead Chat Screenshot
by dhack
Simple Dead Chat With Color

Simple Dead Chat Details Version: 1.2.0
Updated:2009-02-19 22:23:03
Downloads: 11272

UNO Screenshot


by dhack
Play UNO with your friends

UNO Details Version: 2.0.0
Updated:2009-02-13 04:38:31
Downloads: 5514

Banking Screenshot
A advanced bank with comfortable features for ES 1.5

Banking Details Version: 0.3
Updated:2009-02-22 09:29:50
Downloads: 17192

Server Redirect Screenshot
by Adz
Displays Information & Allows Connection to other Servers via Popup Menus

Server Redirect Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-06-01 06:03:16
Downloads: 6592

Blocks common exploits that may be harmful to servers

Miauw Mizx's Anti-Exploits Details Version: v1.2
Updated:2009-12-08 16:32:18
Downloads: 11522

CheeTaH Admins Screenshot
Like my rules script, just only the admins part..

CheeTaH Admins Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2011-03-12 06:00:53
Downloads: 13832

FireBalls (OrangeBox) Screenshot
Permet aux joueurs de lancer des balles de feu explosives!

FireBalls (OrangeBox) Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2010-07-01 05:24:37
Downloads: 5337

[OB] Predator V2.2 Screenshot
by sinik44
Un seul terroriste (Le predator) contre tous les Humains. Le Predator doit exterminer les Humains.

[OB] Predator V2.2 Details Version: 2.2
Updated:2011-07-19 11:49:42
Downloads: 44856

Custom Votes v2.0.2[16/07/2011] Screenshot
by roof
You have now !votekick, votekick, !votemap, voteban, !voteban, voteban, !votemute, votemute, rtv, rockthevote, nominate functions in one addon!

Custom Votes v2.0.2[16/07/2011] Details Version: 2.0.2
Updated:2012-05-06 09:31:21
Downloads: 35075

Allows players to swap money, score, position, or team with their victims. Requires only ES 2.0+

SwapWithVictim Details Version: 4
Updated:2007-10-29 06:59:19
Downloads: 5066

Sets player visibility based on movement and damage. Requires only ES

NowYouSeeMe Details Version: 5
Updated:2008-09-15 02:15:38
Downloads: 5231

SimpleRanks Screenshot
by 3R10N
Keeps kills and deaths

SimpleRanks Details Version: 2.2
Updated:2009-06-15 00:33:41
Downloads: 24894

Trophies Screenshot
by bobdole
Players can now claim a trophy from a dead players body, adding to their collection. Who can collect the most?

Trophies Details Version: v2.0
Updated:2008-06-04 05:13:24
Downloads: 24588

Allows you to easilly set config options on a map basis

Server Manager Details Version: 1.0.0
Updated:2008-05-29 21:10:08
Downloads: 4199

This s a simple script makes admins have admins skins from ICS

SIC-Admin Skins Details Version: 2.5
Updated:2009-03-07 08:31:49
Downloads: 25003

ba_jail Screenshot
by Sorrow
Script pour les serveur ba_jail

ba_jail Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2009-02-15 09:56:18
Downloads: 22775

SentrySounds by Mattie Screenshot
Led by: Mattie
Collaborators: HelenAngel
Brings Portal-like sounds to the TF2 sentries

SentrySounds by Mattie Details Version: 0.61
Updated:2008-08-01 22:47:58
Downloads: 11251

ZM Hud HP Screenshot
by Undead
Displays a HUD Msg of Current Health for Zombies when taken damage

ZM Hud HP Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-01-20 19:24:26
Downloads: 7252

*NadeFruit* - Des grenades transformées en fruit :O Screenshot
by Matth
Toutes les grenades: Grenades, Flashbang, Fumigenes deviennent des fruit sur votre serveur (Aucun telechargement sur serveur) Pasteques, bananes, orange. Comme vous le sentez

*NadeFruit* - Des grenades transformées en fruit :O Details Version: 2.2
Updated:2010-06-14 14:46:33
Downloads: 12919

by Ratzee
If you injured by a grenade your screen will shake, your eyes will red, your speed will slow down and you will hear a shell shock sounds.

Grenadehit 1.1  Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2009-04-15 13:46:10
Downloads: 7646

TeamLead /Quake Sounds/ [v2.1] Screenshot
Led by: Ratzee
Collaborators: pitbull0993
Announces: Which team is leading, Lead streaks, Which team won the match, Selectable: sound, announce modes. Menu: !teamlead

TeamLead /Quake Sounds/ [v2.1] Details Version: v2.1
Updated:2009-03-25 09:56:57
Downloads: 15442

CheeTaHs Double Jump Screenshot
Led by: TheCheeTaH
Collaborators: Fnuggi
Let's you jump multiple times. Take that gravity!!

CheeTaHs Double Jump Details Version: 1.4
Updated:2011-06-01 10:33:18
Downloads: 13434

Admin Build Screenshot
by Deathyy
When a admin types !adminbuild the build menu comes up :P

Admin Build Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-03-24 19:33:52
Downloads: 22097

Allows players to heal surrounding teammates. Compatible with bots! Requires only ES

HealMates Details Version: 7
Updated:2008-09-14 20:37:38
Downloads: 11833

Automatically build mapcycle.txt depending on the content of the maps/ directory

MapCycle Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2009-07-01 09:15:48
Downloads: 17008

by Jeff91
Allows each user to store their name on the server so only they can use it.

Register Player Name Details Version: 0.5.4
Updated:2009-09-29 19:23:13
Downloads: 22021

by ojii
Chooses the sv_downloadurl from a file with different urls

Download URL Manager Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2008-06-19 10:45:03
Downloads: 20756

GunGame Mangement from inside XA menu

GunGame Admin Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-04-24 16:03:59
Downloads: 5645

Word Stats Screenshot
by bonbon
A Simple Addon that logs every word says, and people can check the stats by saying !wordstats (now with web storage (thanks, ojii!))

Word Stats Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2008-05-06 18:22:34
Downloads: 10878

Protect your server from unwanted names

NameBan Details Version: 1.0.0
Updated:2008-05-05 14:42:02
Downloads: 4665

by Undead
Simple enjoyable Radio Script

Radio Details Version: 5.3
Updated:2010-05-23 14:56:27
Downloads: 44674

AdminColorStyle Screenshot
Permet d'avoir de plus belles couleurs lorsque vous parlez en Admin !

AdminColorStyle Details Version: v2.30
Updated:2011-06-30 19:54:37
Downloads: 21909

Reinforcement Waves Screenshot
by Warren
Respawn reinforcements in waves (similar to the BattleField games).

Reinforcement Waves Details Version: 1.0.5
Updated:2008-11-12 04:04:08
Downloads: 22316

Anti Retry Screenshot
by Warren
Slays players who retry to play the same round twice.

Anti Retry Details Version: 1.0.2
Updated:2008-08-14 15:43:27
Downloads: 17651

Poser Screenshot
by Jeff91
When a player scores a knife kill, they take the model of the person they kill.

Poser Details Version: 0.91
Updated:2008-07-26 09:03:33
Downloads: 8693

Radio [Phoenix édition] Screenshot
Radio script par Phoenix

Radio [Phoenix édition] Details Version: Version 1.5a
Updated:2009-05-09 16:19:49
Downloads: 45762

TKClown Screenshot
Teamkillers will get a clown model for one round + CT/T models included + Funny chat messages

TKClown Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2009-07-03 07:52:27
Downloads: 15389

Quick Menu [EN/FR/DE/...] Screenshot
by DoCky
Menu d'administration internationnal

Quick Menu [EN/FR/DE/...] Details Version: 1.260p
Updated:2009-01-13 10:21:03
Downloads: 19088

Happy Hour Screenshot
A highly customizable Happy Hour script which will give every player weapons and equipment for free at the period you define.

Happy Hour Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2010-04-26 13:24:29
Downloads: 27117

Chat Bot Screenshot
by dhack
Chat bot that an admin gives a name and teaches to speak!

Chat Bot Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2009-01-04 20:08:02
Downloads: 6570

Addon Restarter, Starter and Stoper V2.0.0 Screenshot
by uedi
I hate to unload and load a Addon again and again, so i make this Addon, with this you can restart and only load or unload a Addon in the chat, it's comforably.

Addon Restarter, Starter and Stoper V2.0.0 Details Version: 2.0.0
Updated:2009-05-03 04:26:16
Downloads: 7507

Surf Tricks Screenshot
by dhack
When you do a trick on surf_skyworld it says who and what trick they done.

Surf Tricks Details Version: 1.0.0
Updated:2009-06-03 23:12:52
Downloads: 5759

Simple Ingame Namechanger by Popoklopsi Screenshot
by uedi
With this Addon you can change the Name of your Server Players. With ESC Inputlib, for custom Names. Usefull for Name's with abusive words, to change them or only for fun ;D

Simple Ingame Namechanger by Popoklopsi Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2009-10-06 14:13:12
Downloads: 7745

orbs Screenshot
Receive Health from Orbs, When Breaking Props

orbs Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2011-08-06 06:29:45
Downloads: 5766

by aznone
Tackle simply allows you to travel to greater heighths and distances by looking upward, and jumping.

Tackle Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2010-01-05 01:21:07
Downloads: 8983

Led by: DanielB
Collaborators: fearts
Jailbreak/Hosties Last Requests

Last Request Details Version: 1.5.13
Updated:2010-04-06 04:07:26
Downloads: 7530

Music Python 5.0.15 Screenshot
Led by: TheCheeTaH
Collaborators: .:MiB:.
This is an upgrade to my music menu. It allows you to listen to music, without downloads. There are thousands of tracks, and houndreds of artists.

Music Python 5.0.15 Details Version: 5.0.15
Updated:2011-08-24 11:57:43
Downloads: 27922

Filtre d'IP dans le chat | Ip Chat Filter Screenshot
Cet addon très simple permet d'éviter les farceurs qui s'amusent à polluer vos serveurs avec les IPs de leurs serveurs!

Filtre d'IP dans le chat | Ip Chat Filter Details Version: 1.4
Updated:2010-10-01 11:43:31
Downloads: 14182

by roof
hen there is number on players on server there will be a knifebattle, (1vs1,2vs2,3vs3,..)

 RoOF's Knifefight v.2.0.4 (? vs ?) Details Version: 2.0.4
Updated:2012-05-07 11:45:20
Downloads: 41356

Tracks the time you need for a surf map

Surf Tracker Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2007-07-12 10:27:18
Downloads: 6832

click me