Approved Addons

by EmbouT
Connexion à TeamSpeak avec le même pseudo que dans le jeu

TS CONNECT 2.0 Connexion à TeamSpeak Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2009-12-08 09:07:57
Downloads: 12255

by EmbouT
Connexion à TeamSpeak avec le même pseudo que dans le jeu

TS_CONNECT Connexion à TeamSpeak pour ES 1.3 Details Version:
Updated:2007-07-21 20:18:31
Downloads: 6113

by bonbon
I really hate when people join as unnamed so has two options to deal with that

unnamed kicker Details Version: 3.0.0
Updated:2010-02-02 18:54:02
Downloads: 14958

Download and update your ban list file

Banlist Updater Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2008-11-04 09:11:51
Downloads: 15258

Provides bullet whizz sounds. Requires only ES

CheapBulletWhizz Details Version: 2
Updated:2008-09-15 02:03:44
Downloads: 6402

BMug Screenshot
by bonbon
when a player dies an icon appears above their head and people can mug them! (new: spinning emotes!)

BMug Details Version: 2.1
Updated:2008-05-31 12:50:54
Downloads: 22442

Victim Stats Screenshot
Victim Stats

Victim Stats Details Version: 2.0
Updated:2008-07-08 05:10:55
Downloads: 27239

Quick Climbing CheckPoints Screenshot
Easy, Quick climbing checkpoints without long menus.

Quick Climbing CheckPoints Details Version: 4.2
Updated:2008-10-22 23:13:39
Downloads: 22822

Thermal Goggles Updated to 1.2 Screenshot
Thermal goggles on source mods! 2 new cvars added!!!

Thermal Goggles Updated to 1.2 Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2008-12-01 18:41:39
Downloads: 10021

Laser Tag Screenshot
by bonbon
A lasertag addon where players gain points, the name pretty much describes it :)

Laser Tag Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2008-05-10 02:07:35
Downloads: 6245

TagMe Python  (with Multitag Menus) Screenshot
by Warren
This script will tag up any player who types the command specified below to wear the tag specified in the config section

TagMe Python  (with Multitag Menus) Details Version: 1.2.2
Updated:2008-07-23 20:39:23
Downloads: 29208

Show Dead Message Screenshot
Affiche ce que disent les joueurs morts aux joueur vivant sur la map

Show Dead Message Details Version: v1.1
Updated:2008-07-13 16:15:48
Downloads: 7682

by DanielB
Deathrun team Balancer and Terrorist Cycle

DeathRun Manager Details Version: 1.1.2
Updated:2009-05-12 04:27:02
Downloads: 32229

nadeEffects Screenshot
by LosNir
Special effects for hegrenades

nadeEffects Details Version: v1.0 STABLE
Updated:2008-09-24 09:10:50
Downloads: 7047

GunGame5 Join Message Screenshot
by Warren
A join message containing stats information. (GunGame5)

GunGame5 Join Message Details Version: 1.0.1
Updated:2008-11-17 15:11:55
Downloads: 8045

justAdmins is an addon to play sounds and send messages when an admin joins or leaves the server.

justAdmins Details Version: 1.0 27/12/08
Updated:2008-12-27 09:35:22
Downloads: 6184

Vote Mute Screenshot
by Undead
Allows players to !votemute others

Vote Mute Details Version: 1.2b
Updated:2009-01-24 09:45:37
Downloads: 13488

Donator Screenshot
by Undead
Advance Donator System

Donator Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2010-06-29 21:33:14
Downloads: 18237

by Mickyy
Play as your favourite TMNT characters.

TMNT - FORCES DOWNLOAD Details Version: 1
Updated:2009-06-26 11:09:03
Downloads: 15013

by Errant
Last five lists the last 5 players to leave your server - and gives options to ban them

Last Five Details Version: 1.1.1
Updated:2009-11-08 10:36:48
Downloads: 7143

Randomly sets bot difficulty for each bot, making some bots better than others. Requires only ES

RandomBots Details Version: 1
Updated:2009-07-30 23:53:48
Downloads: 5718

Auto Map!, Change at custom times the Map Screenshot
by uedi
Auto Map change the Map at custom times, you specified

Auto Map!, Change at custom times the Map Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-10-21 14:00:55
Downloads: 3773

by uedi
Player can write in the Chat !gift, to get their Xmas Gift, there 7 Possibilities. Also the Addon have 2 Xmas Models, a Santa and a Grinch. And a little Xmas Sound, when a Player joins, all can be activated and deactivated

Xmas Special Mod Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2009-12-07 16:17:46
Downloads: 9169

Easy Rules Screenshot
by Deathyy
Rules popup menu.

Easy Rules Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2010-06-13 14:12:52
Downloads: 8705

Hansi's Admin Mod Screenshot
Led by: TheCheeTaH
Collaborators: Hansi
Another admin mod. Made by hansi and thecheetah. Has pretty many features, but more coming

Hansi's Admin Mod Details Version: 1.4
Updated:2010-07-18 18:50:36
Downloads: 16730

CheeTaHs Color Rank Screenshot
Gives each player a specific color depends on how many kills he has made. There are 15 levels

CheeTaHs Color Rank Details Version: 1.2
Updated:2010-09-07 16:31:17
Downloads: 8907

Led by: ShoTaXx#
Get Cash for Walking!

Walkie Details Version: 3
Updated:2010-11-04 05:28:30
Downloads: 7033

Force end of map when timeleft is 0, even with DM or similar

DM EndGame Details Version: 1.2z
Updated:2008-11-24 07:38:42
Downloads: 6287

Script addon to add rounds to deathmatch servers

DM EndRound Details Version: 2.5
Updated:2011-10-25 13:41:15
Downloads: 21360

TeamFog Screenshot
Renders colored fog that changes based on the location of teams. Requires only ES 2.0+

TeamFog Details Version: 4
Updated:2007-10-24 09:50:49
Downloads: 6066

by ojii
Lets players play hangman while they're dead and waiting to respawn.

Hangman Details Version: 1.0.0 BETA
Updated:2008-05-09 11:52:03
Downloads: 7638

Adrenaline Screenshot
A two stage adrenaline boost when a player scores 2 or 3 kills within 5 seconds (by default), he gets an increase to his health and armor and gets a temporary increase in speed.

Adrenaline Details Version: 1.2b
Updated:2008-03-25 14:28:20
Downloads: 10702

SpawnProtection Screenshot
Script de Spawnprotection, Très complet pour éviter que des joueurs se tuent directement quand le round commence !

SpawnProtection Details Version: v4.6
Updated:2008-06-23 10:42:07
Downloads: 55337

Distance Checker Screenshot
Allows people to get the distance and angle stats on the closest enemy to them

Distance Checker Details Version: 1.0.0
Updated:2008-03-23 14:22:25
Downloads: 4079

DropNades Screenshot
by Chun
Allows you to drop grenades, with customisable throwing strength

DropNades Details Version: 0.5
Updated:2008-04-05 22:43:49
Downloads: 4521

Provides a client command to swap between the knife and last active weapon. Requires only ES

KnifeSwap Details Version: 3
Updated:2009-06-28 20:59:50
Downloads: 7085

by Jeff91
Give user's bonuses (and effects) for reaching X amount of kills without dieing

Custom Kill Streaks Details Version: 0.7.4
Updated:2009-01-18 15:41:24
Downloads: 16141

by RideGuy
Bans SteamID's matching the criteria of a CyberCafe Account

CafeBan Details Version: 1.6
Updated:2008-06-30 21:19:48
Downloads: 14929

ESS Objects Screenshot
by Jeff91
Used to make ESS a bit more like python for Classic scripters, Allows for passing arguments into blocks.

ESS Objects Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-11-06 18:35:20
Downloads: 5371

JAdmin Screenshot
by Jeff91
A Basic No-BS Cross Game Admin Tool.

JAdmin Details Version: 1.03
Updated:2010-05-09 23:00:47
Downloads: 41306

COD4 style nade cooking.

NadeTimer Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-08-15 21:05:35
Downloads: 4173

ESC Admin Screenshot
by 3R10N
ESC Admin (ESCA) This is a admin mod that has a menu in the console and console commands

ESC Admin Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-11-01 19:26:59
Downloads: 6810

Body Dissolver That Works on CSS,HL2DM,TF2,DOD:S

SIC-Dissolver Details Version: 0.3
Updated:2008-11-03 02:13:26
Downloads: 11396

by 3R10N
A complete remake of Sumguy's Dissolver Addon

SimpleDissolvent Details Version: 1.3
Updated:2008-11-07 11:32:57
Downloads: 10113

Admintalk Screenshot
by dhack
Changes mani admin talk to look more nice

Admintalk Details Version: 1.2.0
Updated:2009-02-04 18:06:46
Downloads: 9506

SIC-Dodgeball Screenshot
Simple Dodgeball Script

SIC-Dodgeball Details Version: 2.4
Updated:2009-03-13 09:50:48
Downloads: 29761

Food Screenshot
Led by: infamous1
Collaborators: iSebastian
Food is a script that when a player types !food they get a menu. They choose something to buy, and get different side effects.

Food Details Version: v1.0.0
Updated:2009-03-07 16:43:54
Downloads: 4624

Disconnect Tracking Screenshot
Led by: infamous1
Collaborators: iSebastian
Disconnect Tracking is a script, which shows the server name, time, player name and SteamID whenever a player leaves your server.

Disconnect Tracking Details Version: v1.0.0
Updated:2009-03-10 19:12:00
Downloads: 5284

!NEU! Jail-Deathmatch, Deatmatch für ba_jail Screenshot
by uedi
Jail-Deatmatch ist Deathmatch für Ba_Jail Maps

!NEU! Jail-Deathmatch, Deatmatch für ba_jail Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2009-04-05 13:15:28
Downloads: 3914

by sea212
A script, that's gonna make you feeling like you got really blasted away by a he grenade when you get hit by it ingame. if you want to try it, the radius is splitted in 5 parts, better throw near you [... more in Description] * added video

Realistic HE Details Version: 1.4f
Updated:2009-05-20 14:26:35
Downloads: 20923

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