User Addons

No_CashLimit Screenshot
by sea212
Do you find the 16.000$ limit sick? Do you wanna have more than 16.000$? no problem, this addon stops the 16.000$ limit

No_CashLimit Details Version: 1.2b
Updated:2009-02-27 10:38:16
Downloads: 21966

by sea212
A script, that's gonna make you feeling like you got really blasted away by a he grenade when you get hit by it ingame. if you want to try it, the radius is splitted in 5 parts, better throw near you [... more in Description] * added video

Realistic HE Details Version: 1.4f
Updated:2009-05-20 14:26:35
Downloads: 20923

by sea212
A admin mod to set everyone a model

Adminprop Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-02-12 14:32:00
Downloads: 3571

by sea212
eng: a script to save the kills + deaths 4 the current map + user. ger: ein script um die kills und deaths für die laufende map für den user zu speicher.

savestats Details Version: 1.01
Updated:2007-11-01 11:31:34
Downloads: 6222

by sea212
Eng: this is script is only for germans. sorry. GER: dieses script ist ein stammspieler script. siehe description

stammie Details Version: 1.5
Updated:2007-10-31 12:28:00
Downloads: 3542

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