User Addons

Spawn Protection v2.2 Screenshot
A Clever Spawn Protection mod which slays attacker and gives health back to victim. No Annoying Sethealth/slay messages either!

Spawn Protection v2.2 Details Version: 2.2
Updated:2008-07-23 06:59:48
Downloads: 17366

Unlimited Ammo Screenshot
Allows players to have unlimited ammo for their primary & secondary weapon

Unlimited Ammo Details Version: 1.1
Updated:2008-07-21 17:08:01
Downloads: 10695

ServerVar Enforcement Screenshot
Forces chosen sv_ variables to a value if changed. If you wanted to allow admins to have rcon access but didn't want them changing variables such as sv_cheats

ServerVar Enforcement Details Version: 1.0
Updated:2008-07-20 17:27:24
Downloads: 3785

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